Friday, December 9, 2011

Something to Chew On: Your View of God

Alright guys. It's been far too long since I last posted. I've been writing this post over and over again in my head, but I just couldn't find the time to actually post it. Well, now I've found that time (obviously, or else you wouldn't be reading this).

So, this is my first "Something to Chew On" post. In these posts, I'm going to just give you whatever God puts on my heart to share with you. In this post, we're going to talk about you view of God.

So, what is your view of God? Have you even thought about it before? If not, why not take some time to think about it now?

I'll start out by telling you my view of God. Now, I think God reveals Himself to us in ways that He knows we will respond to, if we let Him. The way I see God is kind of strange. Sometimes I think of Him as a mighty being who has the power to wipe out everything from existence with nothing but a word. When I think of God that way, it makes me feel so empowered. Knowing that you have such power on your side has a tendency to have that effect.

Also, I've been trying to view God as limitless more and more. I think that there's a misconception out there where people think that you can only pray for religious things, and if your baby is crying, or if you have a flat tire or something, you can't pray about it. You have to go about it like everyone else. I don't think that's true. God is limitless. Just as He can perform all sorts of miracles, He can stop the baby from crying, and He could even put air back into your tires, if you really believe that He will do so. I mean why not? He's limitless! He can do anything!

When it comes to God speaking to me, sometimes it's almost like He's a voice in my head. Sometimes He challenges me, or makes me catch myself when I'm about to do the wrong thing. Other times, He may be giving me the answers to questions that I have about Him. And sometimes He just lets me feel His presence. That's really cool.

Now, just to mention an incorrect view of God (and I can say for certain that it's incorrect, because it goes against what God says about Himself in the Bible), let's talk a bit about something I saw on TV recently. Apparently, there are these people who have created the Doctrine of Hate. You're probably starting to see where I'm going with this.

These people go out with posters and signs, yelling to anyone who can hear them "God hates you!" I'm not joking. I wish I was, but I'm not.

I've only got two things to say about that. Number 1: Where in the Bible does it say that God hates people?! God doesn't hate people! He loves them! He's not looking down from some faraway place, glaring down at the miserable human race. He may be looking down sadly at us, because we're still in sin. And God does hate sin. But He doesn't hate people. Number 2: What are they trying to achieve by saying that God hates everyone else? Do they expect people to want to serve God after telling them that God hates them? As humans, we hardly ever serve people we don't like, unless we don't have a choice, and God gives us a choice. So what's the point? As a believer, your goal should be bringing people closer to God, not pushing them away.

Enough on that. Let's talk about why your view of God is important. Well, if you have a view that God is limitless and wants to show Himself to you is you ask Him to, then you may step out in faith more. And you may see more miracles. I think that the church should embrace the idea of a limitless God. If you think about it, it's kind of messed up when we just sit and talk about the problems of the world, when we have such a big and powerful God on our side who can easily fix things, practical as well as spiritual. If your sibling is acting annoying, why not pray about it? In fact, I challenge you (and I'll try to do this too) to pray about every single thing that you feel anxious about for one week. After the week is up, if things improved at all, leave a comment. I think they will, if you expect God to move. Faith is important when asking God for things. I'll save that for the next "Something to Chew On".